If you are experiencing financial difficulties and cannot pay your car loans, credit card bills or mortgage payment, there is help available. Bankruptcy may be an option for you. Under Federal law, you may be able to eliminate or restructure your debts. Your assets may be protected and you can receive the fresh start for which bankruptcy was created. My office has the experience to guide you through this process and protect your rights. Your interests come first so that there are no surprises or disappointments through the bankruptcy procedure.
Bankruptcy Services:
Chapter 7 (Liquidation)Protect assets and eliminate unsecured debts
Eliminate certain I.R.S. debts
Surrender vehicles and real property
Stop garnishments and writs of execution
Save your home
Restructure credit card debt
Stop lawsuits and executions on judgments
Creditor Claims
File proofs of claims
Avoid stripping of liens
Prevent bad faith filings
Bankruptcy is a procedure in which a court administers the estate (the property and other assets) of a debtor for the benefit of the creditors.
Bankruptcy allows individuals or businesses (“debtors”) who owe others (“creditors”) more money than they’re able to pay to either work out a plan to repay the money over time or completely eliminate (“discharge”) most of the bills.